World Alzheimer's Month: Celebrating the Incredible Work of Care Homes

September is World Alzheimer's Month – a time for us to raise awareness of dementia and support those affected by it. 


With over 55 million people around the world living with dementia, and someone being diagnosed every three seconds, the condition touches countless lives in a deeply personal way. Here in the UK, nearly one million people are living with dementia, and behind each of them is a family navigating this journey and seeking support. 


World Alzheimer's Month isn’t just about statistics; it’s about real people, their stories and the incredible care they receive. This campaign amplifies the voices of those living with dementia and acknowledges the caregivers – often in care homes – who make a difference every single day.

Why World Alzheimer's Month Matters

Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death globally, and in many countries, it's the leading cause. Yet, there’s still stigma and misunderstanding around the condition. 


World Alzheimer's Month, especially World Alzheimer's Day on September 21st, is a time to challenge these misconceptions and highlight the positive strides being made in dementia care.


Care homes are at the forefront of this effort. They provide not just physical care but also emotional and social support, creating an environment where residents can continue to live meaningful, engaging lives. 


From specialised care techniques to innovative technologies, care homes are finding new ways to enhance the quality of life for people with dementia.

Celebrating Care Homes' Efforts

This World Alzheimer's Month, we want to shine a spotlight on the amazing work care homes do to support their residents living with dementia. 


We've seen firsthand how care homes use specialist care techniques, from reminiscence therapy to sensory activities, tailored to the unique needs of each resident. Some care homes are even introducing brain training through interactive touch screens like The Digital Rainbow.


Engaging in games and sensory experiences can help stimulate the mind and provide a sense of joy. With that, by incorporating innovative technology into daily care routines, care homes are actively improving the lives of those living with dementia.

Join Us in Raising Awareness

We also want to acknowledge the efforts of care homes that are taking part in fundraising and awareness campaigns this month. Whether it’s hosting fundraising walks, running educational workshops or organising community events, these initiatives make a real difference in reducing the stigma around dementia and supporting ongoing research.


We invite care homes to share their experiences and stories this World Alzheimer's Month. How do you look after your residents with dementia? What techniques or technologies have you found most effective? 


Reach out to us to share these successes and inspire others to continue providing compassionate, high-quality care.

Thank You, Care Homes

To all the wonderful care homes out there, thank you for the incredible work you do every day. Your dedication and compassion are invaluable, not just to the individuals you care for but to their families and the community. 


This World Alzheimer's Month, let's continue to raise awareness and celebrate the progress being made in dementia care.