News posts of '2018' 'July'

Andway Healthcare rub shoulders with care professionals

Jay and Rob are at the Care England Forum 2018 on Monday 23rd - Tuesday 24th July at Forest of Arden, a Marriott Hotel and Country Club, meeting care home professionals from across the UK. Pop over and see us at the event. #Networking #Care #Solutions #nursinghomes


Care Forum 2018 Logo


Rob Withers

All part of the Andway customer service

The Andway staff love getting out to see our customers, and it's all part of the Andway service. Sales Manager Jay Ledgeway visited Keelie, Marie and Alex at a Liverpool nursing home for a cup of tea and chat.

Despite dreadful traffic on the way over to Liverpool, Jay managed to get over eventually, sadly, he didn't have time to join them for their 4th July residents garden party.